

This is a partial write up I did for a client when they asked me about what I do. What DO I do!? How DO I do it?! Good questions.

The Creative Process: Graphic design problem solving for clients

Clients should be represented in the most professional light. If a publication is poorly designed or organized it immediately reflects on the organization.

The process does not start and end on the screen or the page. I will browse professional publications, magazines, newspapers, and the web, take long walks while tossing ideas around in my head. This is all part of what I call my “creative dance.” I’m always observing in the quest for anything that might spark a new idea or concept.

The structure of a design is based on a few elements.


When I receive the copy for a project the first thing I do is read through to see if a title, phrase, or word stimulates ideas. 

Graphic/Photographic Imagery
It is important to create something that is immediately recognized as a publication for the client. One word may inspire a strong image. 

Selecting fonts is an important part of any design. I look at many possibilities and go through a series of questions: Does it represent the client ? Does it convey their message? Is it readable? Is it interesting? 

If your information is not well organized you will lose your audience. “White space” or “less is more” is important in any design. The overall message comes through more clearly when the reader is comfortable.

Ink Color
Color has personality and character and can render a feeling or mood in the reader. There is a psychological effect of color. 

A knowledge of the printing process and a list of all levels of print shops is important. It's good to know the best printer for each job. 

It is my goal to do the best design, meet required schedules, and produce a final high quality product for which my client and I can be proud. Anything less is not acceptable.